
The prices of the season 2025:
In the Santa Clara hostel you can make the following stays:
  • Room, for those who just want to sleep.
  • Room with breakfast, B&B, includes night and breakfast the next day at the entrance
The following two can only be contracted by telephone.
  • Half board, Includes a meal, usually dinner, which is served from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
  • Full board, incase lunch and dinner. Lunch is served from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
All prices can be found in PDF format by clicking on the photo of the keys or icon of the PDF.

Sometimes there are some exceptional offers. When the reservation is for a group there are special prices.


*No type of budget offered will be valid without the prior payment of 50% of the cost thereof, with no return option in case of cancellation.

 The best prices on the Costa Brava, sleeping 50 meters from the water.

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